Since he debuted with Memento back in 2000, Christopher Nolan has established himself as one of the most brilliant filmmakers of the 21st century. His Dark Knight trilogy has been considered by many to be the gold standard of the superhero genre and Inception was breathtakingly original.
Now he delivers his latest effort, Interstellar, and like his previous films, Nolan has concocted another contemporary masterpiece. It has all of the Nolan trappings: It’s bold, audacious, revolutionary in its filmmaking and storytelling and it rivals both 2001 and Gravity in its visionary depiction of space travel.
The movie stars Matthew McConaughey as Cooper, a widowed former NASA pilot turned farmer. He’s been asked by his one of his old college professors (Michael Caine) to be part of a mission that could save the human race from extinction after the planet has suffered environmental devastation. Everything now looks like the Dust Bowl from the Great Depression.
The mission is to send a series of scientists to journey through a wormhole in outer space, meaning it’s a functioning gateway of sorts in our solar system that contains potentially habitable planets. Anne Hathaway costars as one of the scientists.
Without giving too much away, when the scientists pass through these wormholes, the laws of space and time no longer exists. For example, McConaughey and Hathaway never age while everyone else on Earth does. What might be considered one minute in the wormhole might potentially be seven years passing on Earth. Jessica Chastain from Zero Dark Thirty plays McConaughey’s daughter as an adult.
What you get in Interstellar is a wholly original work of art. It definitely borrow and resembles elements from sci-fi classics such as 2001 and Alien, but it introduces ideas that challenge us on so many deep levels and it also gives us a vision in film that is impossible to duplicate. You can clearly see Nolan’s touch within every single frame.
Overall, Interstellar is a film that will leave audiences baffled, drained, and exhausted narratively and emotionally. However, no one walking out will be able to say that the film isn’t worth talking about. I remember reading a quote from James Cameron talking about the late, great Stanley Kubrick. He said that each time he was wondering if the latest Kubrick film was going to be able to wow him. He left feeling wowed every single time. I can honestly say the same thing about Nolan.
Grade: A
(Rated PG-13 for some intense perilous action and brief strong language.)
Until next time, White County, this is Justin Hall saying I’ll see you AT THE MOVIES!
Movie Review Interstellar