Located in the center of downtown Cleveland Georgia Smoky Mountain Trader sales Premium clothes like Cahartt, outdoor gear like Diamond Bows, camping equipment, Red Wing hiking shoes, packs and accessories, shooting supplies and more! Make it a point to stop in at Smoky Mountain Trader to your destination in the mountains for all the gear you need!
Smoky Mountain Trader always had gear stocked you NEED for the trail at our store, but we also provide a great listing through our e-store, Captain Dann’s. We provide Cahartt Clothing, Red Wing Shoes, Merrell Footwear, Mountain House, Surefire lights and more gear than you can shake a stick at! Smokey Mountain trader continually is being updated; continuously growing our list of High Quality online items we have available for sale. You can also so come to our spacious store to see the latest up to date gear and equipment. Shipping everywhere everyday in the United States and all over the globe because of unbeatable selection is also what make them a special place to shop.
Opening in 1987 Smoky Mountain Trader of Cleveland, GA with the desire to offer the local feel of pawn and consignment business. Because of the turnover of owners between 1987 and 1999 it lost that special feeling. But in 1999 “Captain” Carl Dann and his wife purchased Smoky Mountain Trader with a grand vision of making a great outdoors store in the Gateway to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Cleveland Georgia. When Captain Dann purchased Smoky Mountain Trader it was thought to be a gun shop with a little outdoor equipment. Captain Dann understood the great need to focus on outdoor equipment–hiking and camping gear and related products–would mean to a great outdoor area like White County . And so, the transition of Smoky Mountain Trader from gun shop to First class outdoor store was made and has been thriving every since.
Smoky Mountain Trader
18 West Jarrard Street
Cleveland, Georgia 30528
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