Deer hunting in White County Georgia is a different than hunting in flat open areas. Deer hunting in the mountains involves burning up shoe leather on daylight-to-dark scouting trips.
You will hunt very hard when the time comes. Some hunters don’t split their hunts into morning and evening sits; they go to their spots before daylight and stay until it gets too dark to shoot. A good hunter can spend about 40 days a season in the woods, whether it is on WMAs or national-forest land. It is hard but more rewarding than South Georgia hunts.
Trying to find horned trees, acorns, persimmon trees, and trails determine whether the deer are up high or down low is where one finds success. If you can find their food sources it makes mountain hunting fruitful. The old saying in North Georgia “If you find the acorns, you’ll find sign and that’s where we’ll hunt.” It Is true for finding deers in these mountain areas in White country and most mountain places.
Most good hunting spots are typically 2 to 3 miles from the nearest road, much deeper in the woods than your average hunter is willing to go. Most hunt from the ground on homemade sling seats, and they carry everything they might need for a day-long hunt with them.
While these bucks may not be viewed as trophies on a south Georgia deer ranch, they are uncommonly big for wild mountain bucks, and these hunters names show up in the record books time after time if you do your homework.
Early season scouting for nourishment sources is where you can find the big deer in their territory . Spotting a deer will give you an indication of the trench where they will begin appearing late in bow season. By hunting hard each weekend of the season, you can keep an eye on the deer movement, and assuredly discover an enormous buck to study and kill. With as little obstruction to the natural habitat as possible will increase the odds of the deer leaving area. Also when scouting these areas you should use a scent blocker like scent-away to protect the area from the human scent.
It’s simply an extraordinary rush to discover a decent buck, hunt him, and kill him after weeks of preparing. It takes more dedication and shape to kill one in these mountains than a easy flat land South Georgia hunt. It can take three or four days to stalk him and kill him — or at any rate see him. It takes long days in the forested areas, simply studying him. You’ve got to take notes to kill a mountain buck but most are not up for the challenge like Robert Deniro in the Deer Hunter.
So it takes long walks into the forested areas, Deer go as the light goes and that is be expected under these mountain circumstances. Watch the size of your pack, 25 pounds is enough. Things you should incorporates spotlights, a good, additional shells, binoculars, a rain suit, water, food, a Coleman catalytic warmer and Icebreaker Boot Blanklet when the weather calls for extremely cool climate.
Keeping your hands, face and feet warm is the key to staying out there the length of time you need to get the big one. One hunter told us to use A Icebreaker HanBlanket while you wait to offset the cold.
Wear as little dress as you can to keep away from sweat, which smells and prompts icy, clammy garments. They convey warm external layers with them and dress once they get to their hunting spots.
Wait until you get to your hunting spot to layer up for the cold weather hunt. Then you are ready to sit patiently in comfort and bag that big buck.
Just know you can do some serious deer hunting in White County Georgia.