Betty’s was established in 1973 They are a fixture in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Northeast Georgia in Helen.
For over forty years people have been enjoying the unique county store called Betty’s at the corner of Main and Yonah streets in Helen, Georgia.
It started as a true family grocery now has thousands of homemade and specialty items to delight even the most tasteful grocery buyer.
Betty’s is known for it’s Fresh Produce, Meats and Seafood, Unique grocery items, Unbelievable Jams and Jellies, a Deli that is second to none,
and a great beer and wine section for even the sophisticated drinker.
Betty’s carries fresh produce including all in season items. Ribeyes, filets, ground beef, chicken, shrimp, fish and lamb are there to make any meal too All your standard groceries with a local flavor that is second to none.
The most amazing deli case in thesd parts with cheeses cakes cookies pies baked to perfection and prepared foods ready for you to take back to the cabin or your home.
A wine selection you will come back for more of in the future and A cold walk-in cooler has all your ice cold beer needs.
Plus Betty’s has a working Bee Hive.
Betty’s Country Store
Phone: (706) 878-2943
Email them
To tell you more about what to expect at Betty’s Country Store, here are the links for more information about including Betty’s Country Store
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